Details and routes

From this page you can access route descriptions, maps, downloadable GPX files, how to get to the start and other details of the event

All the details of the event are included in the two "Word" documents which can be downloaded by clicking the appropriate link, below.   These documents contain all you need to know about joining the challenge hikes, including overview of how to get to Peaslake, contact phone numbers on the day, and detailed route descriptions.

NOTE: Both the longer and shorter routes are different to previous years, so please download the details and read them carefully.


Start time

Both events start from Peaslake Memorial Hall
The start times are:

16 mile event: 09.15 (walkers only)
27 mile event: 09.15 (walkers)
27 mile event: 10.00 (runners)


Route descriptions

Details of the 16 mile event
(NOTE: Updated final version after final recce, 26 September 2015)

Click here:
to download the details


Details of the 27 mile event
(NOTE: Updated final version after final recce, 26 September 2015)

Click here:
to download the details

 (NB - email for any reason you have problems reading .docx files)



Maps of the FINAL16 and 27 mile routes can be viewed on Ordnance Survey mapping by clicking here
Please note, these routes were finalised in early September and are not expected to change bepfore the event.

PDF version of the FINAL 16 mile option (open streetmap - copyright problems prevent publication of printable OS maps here):

View here:

You can download and print the map as a full sized PDF file (2.3MB) here:
NB if the image opens straight away when you click on this link, just right-click and select "save as")

Download compressed PDF file (0.3MB) here:

PDF version of the FINAL 27 mile option (open streetmap - copyright problems prevent publication of printable OS maps here):

View here:

You can download and print the map as a full sized PDF file (5.6MB) here:
NB if the image opens straight away when you click on this link, just right-click and select "save as")

Download compressed PDF file (0.2MB) here:



Downloadable GPX files

GPX files are attached below.   Note that:

  • The 27 and16 mile routes are finalised.
  • There are Route and Track files.   Some GPX devices will only accept Track files; the Route files cover exactly the same ground but have additional information (see next point) added to the routepoints, which may assist navigation
  • Additional information has been added to each route point in the Route files, which you should be able to read on your GPS device.   The information is in the form: miles from start (miles left to end), ft ascended from start (ft to end); current altitude in ft.   If you require a GPX file with the routepoint data in metric units, please email   But note both imperial and metric routes are exactly the same
  • If you are using the "Viewranger" app on a smartphone or tablet, you may also see milepoints and some other information displayed on the map along the route

16 mile event:

Finalised ROUTE file:

Finalised TRACK file:

27 mile event:

Finalised ROUTE file:

Finalised TRACK file:


Getting to Peaslake

Peaslake is in Surrey, to the south west of Dorking.

Accessing Peaslake by rail

This year, the event is being run on a Saturday for the first time, to make rail access easier.    The nearest rail stations are Gomshall (about a mile to the North), Dorking and Guildford.

If you're planning on coming by train, the best trains to take are:

  • 06.45 Waterloo arr Gomshall 08.03 (change at Guildford)
  • 07.31 Victoria arr Dorking 08.24
  • 07.33 Waterloo arr Guildford 08.34
  • Trains correct as at May 2015 - please check closer to the date in case of timetable alternations

We are aiming to try and have some transport available to meet these three trains.


Accessing Peaslake by road:

If you're coming by road, follow the map below: 




Here's a general overview


Find out more

Just click the the appropriate links below to find out about: 

  1. Background to the Founders' challenge
  2. Go back to the Founders' overview page
  3. Entry fees, in advance, on-the-day, for members and non-members; and what you get in return
  4. How to sign up, and a link to the "SI Entries" system
  5. How to volunteer to help
  6. Contacting us for more information
  7. Results and report - to be published shortly after the event