Group Secretary Weekend - 10th - 12th November

Group Secretary Weekend - 10th - 12th November

Thames Valley LDWA

Dear Members,

Every year National LDWA invite all group secretaries to attend an informal gathering to discuss group and National topics.  These items can be wide-ranging and as an example one of the topics on the agenda for this year is:

How can Local Groups contribute to the future development of LDWA as part of the Business Planning process

Julie Cribb, the Local Groups' Secretary chairs the event and usually there are a number of National Committee members also in attendance. If you look in Strider, Julie has her own page of Group News.

So that all members can get the most from their walking group and also have a say in the direction that our National Committee is proposing, I would really appreciate you suggesting some topics that could be added to the agenda which would make your walking experience all the better. 

It is an ideal forum for putting out ideas and getting feedback from other groups on how they manage a particular concern or problem. 

I'm sure Julie will be asking for Agenda items very soon and would therefore appreciate you getting your thoughts and comments back to me by 15th October, for inclusion in the discussions.

Kind Regards


Thames Valley LDWA -