2020 AGM Details


AGENDA - 18th JANUARY 2020

1 Opening from the chair

2 Apologies for absence

3 Minutes of AGM 19th January 2019

4 Matters arising

5 Receive the Annual Report of the Committee

6  Receive the Annual Statement of Accounts

7   Election of officers: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Webmaster

7a Appointment of Accounts Reviewer

8   Goyt Valley Challenge update

8a Distribution of GVC surplus

9  Future activities, Support on 100’s, Social programme

10 AOB

LDWA South Manchester Chairman’s Report 2019

A better year for the group with a full walking programme of 30 walks led mostly by the next generation, for all of whom we are thankful and relieved. Another successful Goyt Valley Challenge was orchestrated by Dave Gosling and organised jointly with High Peak group who plan to lead the event with our support in the future. Peter Schick was honoured with a volunteer award by National Committee for his contribution over many years collating results on many 100’s.

Following initiatives decided at the last AGM to better promote our programme and improve participation, a Whats App group was set up by Jean Osbourne. As well as motivating participants this also facilitated an increase in car sharing. Planning meetings hosted by Mike Magee and David Clift helped to ensure a well-balanced programme. In spite of National committee wishing to “keep it long”, Ann Robinson’s introduction of shorter walks mid-week proved a hit among several members.

Thanks are due to Secretary Steve Osbourne, continuing to keep everyone informed and motivated with regular updates, Web Master Duncan Smith took on the task of keeping the website up to date and well-illustrated, and Treasurer Bridget Knight continued to keep the accounts for both GVC and the Group in order, gratefully verified by Steve Millward.

Many of the veteran members continue to hang in there with varying degrees of success, even completing 100’s! However the group desperately needs a dynamic and energetic new chairman who can lead the team and members into the future from this relatively modest base.

David Allen


Minutes of South Manchester Local Group AGM

19th January 2019

1 The Chairman, David Allen opened the meeting held at the Ye Olde No 3 pub Lymm at 14.00 and welcomed and thanked members for attending.

2 Present were:- Avril and David Allen, Quentin Blagg, Dave Gosling, Roger Hand, Bridget Knight, Michael Magee, Steve Millward, Jean and Steve Osborne, Duncan Smith, Ned Spencer and Peter Whitehead.  

Apologies from:- Nicoletta Bobola, David Clift, Emma and Nick Gregg, John Knight and Ann Robinson.

3 The minutes of the 2018 AGM were read and proposed by Quentin that they be signed, seconded by Steve Millward and all agreed.

4 Ned said thanks to the Group for the support on Beating the Bounds. Item 8 change to donations from Buxton Scouts/Explorer group to NW Air Ambulance as the scouts had not responded to any contact.

5 The Chairman David reported on activities, thanking the leaders of the walks and events and in particular to the newer ones. Numbers varied on the walks widely. Thanks expressed to Steve O for the preparation for the AGM and for his many emails to group members.

The survey we tried for members views only 10% (approx. 20 members) replied. The response split equally between, they walk alone or were not able to join in the activities, too busy and would only attend if were free and have other activites, wanted 20+ mile walks.

The recent local group secretaries report highlighted the business plan that had been agreed by general committee, the chairman is responsible for safeguarding and the webmaster for data protection.

Some discussion and if we should have social media, no one offered to take on this option.

Do we do another survey and Ned suggested this time we telephone a sample number for their views.                

The secretary reported on the level of local group membership, as of 19th January 2019 there are 211 members assigned to South Manchester local group.

6 A copy of the accounts was handed round and Bridget gave further details.

Proposed that accept by Roger and seconded by Jean and agreed nem con.

Noted that next year need to send out accounts with AGM notice. Bridget thanked for her work as Treasurer.

7 Election of the committee, David not found a replacement, Quentin tried to encourage any of those present to stand as chairman, no one stepped forward.

Bridget proposed that David continue as chairman and Steve M seconded

David would continue as Chairman for another year.

Secretary (Steve) proposed by Steve M and seconded by Quentin, Treasurer (Bridget) proposed by David and seconded by Steve M., Webmaster and Data Inputter (John) is stepping down as doing an Open University course and political commitments, Duncan willing to stand and proposed by Dave and seconded by Steve M.

All persons were willing to stand and were elected and thanked for filling these positions and the work done by all. John thanked for all his work on the South Manchester website and input to STRIDER.

7a Thanks to Bob Kelly as Accounts Reviewer and Steve M willing to fill this role, Bridget proposed and David seconded. Steve M was duly appointed and thanked for filling this position.

8 Report given by David G. Two meetings have been held with High Peak group and the event will go ahead this year on Sunday 20th October. There had been meetings with Buxton Mountain Rescue team but not able to join up as differing aims. Increase in fixed costs, Liz Bell willing to do the catering and Kettleshulme School have doubled their hire charge. An increase in the entry fee to £12 and £15(non LDWA) + SI fee of £1.20. Agreed STRIDER entry for April edition. South Manchester to be guarantor of the event this year as High Peak don’t have a bank account and hence no funds. A separate GVC a/c would be run as before (with Bridget as treasurer). Any surplus to be shared equally between Sth Mcr and High Peak. David A thanked all for their help and all happy that the GVC would continue.

9 Hadrian100 update from Quentin. Michael wanted members to come along when a recce was done for the social walks, Jean said would try to set up a Whats Ap group, Steve O willing to do a map reading session, Michael suggested he would host a walks barn storming session at his home to arrange the programme of walks for the next programme. Offer of 10 pin bowling on a Tuesday or Thursday in February or March by Avril. Duncan willing to do another slide show at his home.

10 Ned asked for help on Beating the Bounds on Sunday 19th May. There being no AOB David was thanked for organising the walk and venue and meal and thanks to all for attending.

Meeting closed at 15.17.


Year ending 30.11.19      
Opening Balance 958.39      
Income Received 3776.5      
Payments Made 3325      
Closing Balance 1409.8      
Bank balance 2184.8   as at 04.12.19
Difference 775      
cheques not presented      
30 25      
34 750      
Funds available 1409.8