AGM - Thursday 9 March 2017

AGM - Thursday 9 March 2017

London LDWA

Hello All

Reminder that the AGM will be on the evening of Thursday 9th March. Full details to follow. This email is to flag up 2 issues for your early attention.

1. Membership of the Committee.

The comittee currently has 6 members:

Chair - Peter Aylmer

Secretary - Douglas Robinson

Treasurer - Rod Smith

Web master - Keith Lane

Founders organiser - Gordon Parker

Walks secretary - Adam Dawson

All of these posts will be become vacant at the AGM and will be open to any member who wishes to be nominated to join the committe. However, you should note that Peter, Keith, Gordon and Adam have all indicated that they are willing to stand again for another year. But Rod and myself will have completed 3 years in our roles and cannot stand again. So, while we welcome nominations for any of the 6 posts,  we are particularly keen to get nominations for the roles of Secretary and Treasurer.

If you are interested in any of these roles, please contact either myself (about process) or the current incumbent to discuss exactly what is involved.

2. Motions

If here are any issues that you wish to raise at the AGM, please let me know before the 31st January. Any motion to be discussed at the AGM should include the name of the proposer and seconder.

If you have any questions, please get in touch.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Douglas Robinson


London LDWA -