Election of next Chair of the LDWA

Election of next Chair of the LDWA

London LDWA

Hello London Members

I want to remind you that, very unusually if not uniquely, there will actually be an election for the next Chair of the LDWA when John Sparshatt stands down in March. There are 2 candidates - Gail Elrick and Tim Glenn - and I want to encourage you to use your vote if possible. It is important that the new Chair has a clear mandate from members and the more that vote the better.

If you are not attending the AGM, you can do this by sending a proxy vote to the secretary. These were sent out in the December Strider but, in case you have lost them, below is a link to the forms.


You need to do this by 1 March.

I also attach a further link to messages from both candidates so that you can see what they say that they would bring to the role of Chair.



Douglas Robinson






London LDWA - http://www.ldwa.org.uk/London