
About Hexham

  Details of how to get to Hexham are here. There are details of hotel, B&B accomodation etc here. There is a 22 bed bunkhouse next to CP1 at Newbrough. For details go to or contact There are also a few beds available at…

Reccying the Hundred

In recent years it has become increasingly popular to carry out some reconnaissance work on the 100 route. The HH is predominately on public footpaths and whilst preparing for the HH we have met with a wide range of interested parties. It is fair to say we have not always met with a welcoming and…

Access to Checkpoints for Friends and Families

We all know that in recent years increasing numbers of friends and family members have taken to following and supporting their people on the Hundred, so we expect there will be no shortage of followers this year too. However it does present the organising committee with a serious problem as not all…