
Route summary

This is a summary of the statistics of the main event route. THE ROUTE IN SUMMARY The walk start and finish location will be Malton school although the event start will be 800 yards from the school to aid a smooth send off - once away you will visit the grounds of Castle Howard before climbing…

Route Description

The Event version of the route description (v3.46) is now online and can be downloaded as a pdf, doc or docx. (Note: any minor changes to the route description will be listed in the errata document.) Version History V3.46 released 12th May 2017. Official Event version with permissive sections. See…

GPX files

The recce route GPX files give the pre-event route which does not cross the private land that we have obtained permission to use for the event. The HQ and Breakfast Stop are located in schools. We rely on their goodwill for this event. Don't enter school grounds on your recce. Version History …

Reccing the Hundred

The North York Moors is quite a remote part of the world with little in the way of public transport, however Pickering provides a convenient base to recce NYM 100 and you can use public transport as much as possible. Below is a suggested way how you might recce the NYM 100 staying Pickering and…

Route Profile

Stage 1: Malton to Easthorpe Business Park   Stage 2: Easthorpe Business Bark to Hovingham   Stage 3: Hovingham to Wombleton   Stage 4: Wombleton to Hutton-le-Hole   Stage 5: Hutton-le-Hole to Rosedale  Stage 6: Rosedale to Botton Village   Stage 7: Botton Village to Glaisdale   Stage 8:…

Permissive Diversions

Below are 25K maps showing the permissive route diversions on the NYM 100. Stage 1 Stage 16