How to enter the Marshals' Event

You can enter both the main event and the marshals' event on-line or by post. We strongly recommend that you use the on-line entry procedure. You will get instant confirmation that your entry has been received and you will then be on the bulk email list for any further communications. It's also a lot easier for us as we don't have to process a large number of postal entries and cheques. If you do enter by post and have an email address, tell us what it is and we will add it to the bulk email list.

Please see the Rules of the Marshals Walk for more details of the entry procedure.

Entries open on Monday 12th October 2015 and close on Monday 4th April 2016. You will be asked to pre-register your entry. If you are on our list of marshals, you will then be asked to enter and pay.

Before your entry can be accepted:

  • You must have completed a qualifying event.
  • You must have an agreed marshalling role on the main event.

Please read the advice on choosing a start time as you will be asked what time you want to start when you enter. Note that you can only choose 10:00 or 12:00.

To enter online, click the button below or follow this link.

Download an entry form in Microsoft Word format or as a PDF.

To receive an entry form by post send an SAE to the entries secretary:

     Julie Bardswell, Pentreath, 166 Bridport Road, Poundbury, Dorchester, DT1 3AH.

What happens next?

After you have entered, you will be put on a waiting list. We then check your membership, your qualifier, and your role on the event. If that's all fine, you will receive an invitation to enter the marshals' event.

Any questions you want to ask or issues you want to discuss on any aspect of the Dorset 100 Marshals' Walk, please raise them on the forum.